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读霸 ReadBar HD

4.0 ( 4240 ratings )
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Розробник: Pharose eSolutions Inc

请 各位读友注意:‘读霸天下’已被‘读霸HD’取代。届时‘读霸天下’将不能在AppStore中下载或更新。新版‘读霸HD’中将不再有‘文学城’ 新闻站,但我们会尽快加入更多有趣的中文资源供大家使用。此后app所有的功能性提升或修复,都将在新版中实现。请大家相互转告,第一时间下载‘读霸 HD’以免错过更多的网络好文。

经常去不同网站阅读灌水但不想保留太多图标? 希望屏蔽掉网站上大部分无用的内容以节省时间和流量? 看新闻或图片的时候总想把你的iPhone或 iPad倒下来看? 讨厌每次都需要放大缩小画面才能找到合适阅读的文字和图片尺寸? 喜欢直接快捷地在iPhone和iPad上发贴回帖?...那么‘读霸 HD’就是你最好的选择。
1 一个招牌图标涵盖‘未名空间’ ‘天涯社区’ ‘约克论坛’‘新浪网’及‘猫扑’等多个热门中文网站和论坛。彼此之间不需要退出软件就可以自由切换。
2 将大部分无用的广告或图片过滤, 只保留必要内容, 加快下载速度, 节省网络流量。
3 支持四向阅读, 提升视觉享受。
4 自动将文字和图片改成适合阅读的尺寸充满全屏。
5 支持带验证码的论坛读贴发贴跟贴功能 (新闻和天涯论坛暂时只能读贴)。

In the new ReadBar HD, there is NO wenxuecity as Chinese news source any longer. The old Read Bar will be off shelf and unable to download or upgrade then. Please forward this info to all any relevant parties and download NEW ReadBar HD ASAP to avoid inconvenience. More Chinese reading source will be added soon. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Are you the reader of MIT BBS York BBS mop as well as tianyaBBS, etc? Do you:
Like to surf in different webs but wouldnt manage too many icons? Wish to save your data plan and speed up downloading? Be tired of reading in only portrait orientation? Hate to manually adjust context size every time to fit your eyes? Want to post and reply in your iPhone or iPad directly? ... The Read Bar is your best choice then.
Our major features are:
1 Singe icon covers multiple webs, no need to quit the app, you are able to switch from each others.
2 Filtered out the most of unnecessary contents or pictures to save your data plan and speed up downloading.
3 Support 4 directions reading in all of your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.
4 Automatically revise the fonts and pictures size to full screen fitting your eyes.
5 Implement Forum post and reply (in News and tianyaBBS only post reading available now)

We appreciate your rating and suggestions. Please refer to your friends if you like the app.